Split Earlobe

Split earlobe also known as a bifid earlobe

The ear splits either from years of wearing large heavy earrings that have stretched out their hole, or simply having an earring torn out accidentally or by a toddler or pet prevents you from wearing your earrings.

For some people, it hasn’t “ripped” all of the way through, but is extensively stretched out.

The fix is quite easy, taking about 15 minutes in the office under local anesthesia.

Sutures are left in place for a week.

Approximately 3 to 4 weeks later we will help to re pierce to be sure the piercing does not go on the scar which would be weak and prone to recurrence.

One or both ears can be treated at the same time.

Generally no time is needed off work, though about 2 weeks off exercise is beneficial.

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