Brow Lift – Full

The brow lift procedure involves elevating the position of the eyebrows.  There are multiple methods available.


For individuals with a normal size forehead and strong hairline,  endoscopic browlift uses incisions well back within the hairbearing portion of the scalp.  Using endoscopic/camera instruments through the small incisions the entire forehead is released down to the eyebrow area and then elevated superiorly and fixated at the scalp area.  Generally this treats the entirety of the brow.


For individuals with a large forehead or elevated but stable hairline;  this incision follows the hairline.  Dissection is then taken down to the eyebrow area to allow the eyebrow to move upward towards the hairline.  Generally forehead skin is removed at this time.

While this does not tend to significantly shorten the overall forehead, it does elevate the brow.  Scars generally blend in well along the hairline.


This is treated either with an incision right at the eyebrow itself or in the forehead itself along an extensive or deep transverse wrinkle going across the forehead.

The skin is removed and eyebrow repositioned.  This places the scar along the eyebrow hairline area.  As this is a natural breakpoint it often blends quite well.

With deep wrinkles, in either the lower to mid forehead a strong line is chosen and skin is removed and the eyebrows repositioned.  This tends to be more popular among men with deeper wrinkles.

Surgical Procedure

The endoscopic lift is always performed under anesthesia.

The hairline lift may be performed under anesthesia or under local anesthesia.

The direct approach is generally performed under local anesthesia.


Sutures are in place 7 to 14 days. Swelling and bruising is expected and “black eyes” are a real possibility. Light activity and work can begin as soon as 7 days. Exercise can resume at 3 to 4 weeks. though may be a part of a bigger full face rejuvenation and therefore performed in the operating room under anesthesia.

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