Upper Body Lift

While the surgery may not be well known, women know what they want.  Getting the same tightness and smoothness in the lateral chest and mid back area that is achieved with an abdominoplasty.  Enter the upper body lift.

This surgery takes an incision from the end of the breast and extends it all the way around the back placing it within a bra line.

This allows for significant tightening in the mid and lower back area especially along the flank where it is common to have significant skin laxity even after a tummy tuck or complete belt lipectomy in patients with weight loss.  The upper part of the incision is generally 'fixed' and does not pull your shoulder down, but does significantly elevate your lateral flank and back skin that is loose.

While the scar is very visible extending across the back and on the flank while naked, it is generally hidden in most attire.  Since it falls within the bra line it tends to be able to be hidden nicely.

With excessive skin excess in the axilla, an upside down T incision heads from the end of the breast and goes vertical up the axilla.  This may be combined with an arm lift for optimal tightening.

The surgery is performed in the operating room under anesthesia and almost always is combined with some liposuction to ensure maximal contour improvements.  This requires the use of a drain for approximately  7 to 10 days.

Recovery utilizes a compression across the area that is worn for approximately 3 to 4 weeks.  It generally requires 10 to 14 days off work, and exercise begins approximately 4 weeks post procedure.

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