Mohs Surgery


Very effective technique for removing squamous cell and basal cell cancers.

May be referred to as Mohs Micrographic surgery.

In short, the cancer is removed, tested under a microscope to ensure complete removal of the cancer all while the patient waits.

The technique began in the 1930s by Dr. Frederic Mohs, was then popularized and applied beginning in the 1960s and has become the gold standard.

Up to 99% cure rate for primary cancers (94% for recurrent lesions)

Performed under Local Anesthesia in office setting

Limits the extent of resection, while ensuring cancer removal

Provides the best scenario for wound closure and therefore limits the scarring after the procedure.

The Procedure:

While I do not personally perform Mohs surgery I work closely with the area’s best Mohs dermatologic surgeons to assist with the reconstruction after removal.

In this scenario, the Mohs surgeon identifies the cancer, and removes it.  After carefully testing it under the microscope to ensure full clearance of the cancer you are referred to me for the repair.  Generally this is coordinated for the same day, right after the removal; though it can be delayed even up to a week if necessary.

After analyzing the defect, a reconstruction/repair is planned that will provide not only a functional outcome and closure, but the best possible cosmetic outcome as well.

These procedures are completed again in the office, under local anesthesia.

I have excellent experience in performing these procedures and will provide the best repair I can for you.

Finally, this is a Necessary and therefore Insurance based/paid procedure.  (You’re not paying cosmetic surgery rates!)

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