Chemical Peel

Improves the skin's appearance and texture through the use of chemicals causing damage.

The controlled damage "peel" will reduce wrinkles, improve color and texture of skin.

The depth of the peel will dictate how dramatic the improvement will be.

There is no such thing as a "free lunch" ie a peel either chemical or laser that will give fantastic, long lasting results with minimal downtime.


Mild acid exfoliates the outer layer of skin.  Helps mild discoloration.  Slightly smooths the skin.  Brief redness is seen, no significant open wound.


Penetrates outer and middle layer of skin.  Can cause blistering and true peeling, though usually remains sealed.  Red for a few days to week or 2.  Generally can be covered in 1 to 2 days with makeup.  Helps fine lines, pigment changes, mild freckles.


Will be used to get well to middle layers of skin. Outer layer of skin peels right off. May have open wound for 1 to 5 days. Generally unable to cover with makeup before 3 and often 7 days. Redness will be pronounced and last for weeks to months. Results are better, can help moderate lines, shallow scars, freckles.

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